The latest four-legged remedy is dogs: certified canine bug detectors. They can case a room with greater accuracy than a two-legged pest inspector... A stricken hotelier or rolling stock owner[*] can then hire an exterminator ‘for only those spaces in which the bed bugs (or their offspring) have been found’. The organisation also promises not to let the cat out of the bag, or even the dog:"A rolling dog bag"?When you have a bedbug problem in your home or business you want quick, discreet service. Certified Bedbug Dogs of New England will arrive at the scheduled time in an unmarked vehicle. We will even park several parking lots away from your establishment if you would like. We carry the dog in a rolling dog bag, so no questions arise from guests.
I certainly have an itchy feeling at the moment, but perhaps that's because I'm trying to stop myself snarling at the "biological 'imperatives' trump moral reasoning" crowd at this 3QD thread.
Must... maintain... focus on the doggies...
*Mr Hardy was bitten on a train. By bedbugs, not dogs.