January 17, 2017

Oh. Snap.

But there is always the possibility that the origins of Trump’s zipped smile are cultural rather than personal. It is known, for example, that while Americans favour a full-blown smile that showcases the teeth, British people have historically preferred tight-lipped versions of the smile. There is every chance therefore that Trump’s zipped smile is actually a throwback to his Scottish ancestors – which would of course demonstrate that his public persona is far less American than he has led us to believe.
Wow. The Guardian just totally throws down.

January 11, 2017

Mot juste

So, I guess we can now expect a serious drop-off in the press describing Trump's administration as being a Golden Age for anybody.

Hey - if I was going to be crass I would have went with "well, that explains why he's orange". Give me some credit.

Jeff Sparrow has been making the entirely valid point that these kinds of allegations of sexual depravity made by intelligence operatives against their foes, official or otherwise, are pretty much a cliche - remember the discovered "silk pyjamas, cocaine and porn" tableaux that were standard to 1990s regime change operations? - but still... roflmao, as the old folks say.

January 08, 2017


This is a good one, although it does rather give away much of the plot of Happy Feet.

Not having seen it, I was surprised the penguin movie has this much carnage.