July 01, 2024


Assange’s return was judged to be so momentous that the ABC broadcast it live. Led by Sarah Ferguson, David Speers and Peter Hartcher, the ABC coverage was exceptionally toxic, rehashing discredited smears, and belittling Assange’s enormous achievements. Like most of the legacy media, many ABC “star” journalists hate Assange.

Host of the 7:30 Report, Sarah Ferguson performed her hybrid interview/ambush technique on unsuspecting US congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, who had been lured onto the ABC to speak about why she, one of the most prominent MAGA republicans, supported Julian Assange, and why she was urging Donald Trump to pardon Assange.

Not unexpectedly, Sarah Ferguson was not very interested in the congresswoman’s views about the honesty and truthfulness of Julian Assange’s journalism. She spent the majority of the interview off topic, berating Majorie Taylor Greene over the 2016 theft of Hilary Clinton’s emails, regurgitating Clintonesque lies about Russiagate, sneakily smearing Julian Assange in the process as a Putin-loving servant of that Devil Incarnate, Donald Trump!


Compared to the pages of vitriol and venom directed against Assange in The Australian the next day, Hartcher and Ferguson seemed almost benign. Michael Ware and Justine Rosenthal are two Americans, who were described by The Australian as award-winning documentarians. Their hate-filled rant, Fittingly pathetic end to tawdry tale of a traitor, about the plea deal Assange was forced to make to end his ordeal began, “Finally, at long last, Julian Assange has confessed to being a traitor.” What is it about Americans that they don’t comprehend you can’t be a traitor to a country unless you are a citizen of it?