July 19, 2024

Bob Newhart 1929 - 2024

I imagine everyone is citing Lincoln vs Madison Avenue, as they should, but I've always been partial to The Grace L. Ferguson Airline (And Storm Door Co.).

And then there's this:

(OK, the video that was here and is now IP blocked was of Newhart on MadTV as the $5 psychiatrist. Maybe you can find it somewhere else.)

July 18, 2024

Without hinge

Actually, the picture in the previous post does have some amusing context, as it shows the moment at the RNC immediately after West Virginia governor and senate candidate Jim Justice, who was supposed to read from the teleprompter the phrase "everything hinges" on Trump winning in November, instead said "we become totally unhinged" if Trump doesn't win. Now BlueAnon are going spare at what they see as a call to arms. It reminds me of the moment at the 2020 debate when Trump told the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by", which almost everybody chose to treat as a request for the fascists to keep their powder dry, when it was obvious to me it was the result of Trump having a senior moment and not being able to come up with the verb phrase for what a bystander does.

The dog, I dunno.

July 17, 2024


dog watches governor at RNC

You don't need context.

July 12, 2024


For example, one parent told us that her son had a playmate named Nobby, a little invisible boy. The child also mentioned Nobby when he was asked about pretend friends, but when we asked how often he played with Nobby, he scowled and replied, "I don't play with him." We learned that Nobby was a 160-year-old businessman who visited the child between business trips to Portland and Seattle, whenever the child wanted to "talk things over." The boy's mother was as surprised as we were.
Imaginary Companions and the Children Who Create Them, Marjorie Taylor, OUP, 1999, Chapter 2, Page 21
Fantasy play of various types can play a powerful role in children's ability to overcome fear. This point was brought home to me by my daughter's reaction at age 3 to the gift of a small box described as containing a "baby ghost." Amber had developed a fear of ghosts that disrupted her sleep and made her anxious when left alone at bedtime. However, when asked if she would like to take care of the baby ghost, she was eager to do so. For more than a week she carried the box with its invisible contents with her wherever she went and was very much absorbed in this fantasy. The baby ghost and its box were eventually abandoned for other toys, but Amber was never again bothered by a fear of ghosts. Conceptualizing the ghost in the box as something weak, tiny, and in need of care seemed to remove the scariness from her thoughts about ghosts in general.

(Endnote:) The children at her day care took turns one day taking the box into the bathroom, turning out the light, and letting the ghost out of the box. In the pitch dark of the windowless bathroom, all the children were able to enjoy playing with the baby ghost.
Ibid., Chapter 4, Page 75
Sometimes the child involves family members in her game of pretense. A colleague of mine has a daughter who as a 3-year-old enjoyed fantasy games of impersonation that required the cooperation of the entire family. On her request, everyone shifted to alter identities on Wednesdays. The girl became a boy named Rainbow Cutter, the younger brother became a girl named Rainbow Cut, the mother became a little girl named Sweet Flower, and the father (who got the raw end of things, I think) became a piece of string named Hagar.
Ibid., Chapter 3, Page 50

July 02, 2024


I had thought the slogan "America is Already Great" marked peak idiocy for the DPUSA, but this is beyond deranged.
The Democratic National Committee is considering formally nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to ensure that the president is on November ballots, while helping to stamp out intra-party chatter of replacing him after last week’s poor debate performance.

July 01, 2024


Assange’s return was judged to be so momentous that the ABC broadcast it live. Led by Sarah Ferguson, David Speers and Peter Hartcher, the ABC coverage was exceptionally toxic, rehashing discredited smears, and belittling Assange’s enormous achievements. Like most of the legacy media, many ABC “star” journalists hate Assange.

Host of the 7:30 Report, Sarah Ferguson performed her hybrid interview/ambush technique on unsuspecting US congresswoman Majorie Taylor Greene, who had been lured onto the ABC to speak about why she, one of the most prominent MAGA republicans, supported Julian Assange, and why she was urging Donald Trump to pardon Assange.

Not unexpectedly, Sarah Ferguson was not very interested in the congresswoman’s views about the honesty and truthfulness of Julian Assange’s journalism. She spent the majority of the interview off topic, berating Majorie Taylor Greene over the 2016 theft of Hilary Clinton’s emails, regurgitating Clintonesque lies about Russiagate, sneakily smearing Julian Assange in the process as a Putin-loving servant of that Devil Incarnate, Donald Trump!


Compared to the pages of vitriol and venom directed against Assange in The Australian the next day, Hartcher and Ferguson seemed almost benign. Michael Ware and Justine Rosenthal are two Americans, who were described by The Australian as award-winning documentarians. Their hate-filled rant, Fittingly pathetic end to tawdry tale of a traitor, about the plea deal Assange was forced to make to end his ordeal began, “Finally, at long last, Julian Assange has confessed to being a traitor.” What is it about Americans that they don’t comprehend you can’t be a traitor to a country unless you are a citizen of it?