October 30, 2016


The Clinton campaign actively abetted Trump at every stage of the primaries, even though it meant unleashing dangerous reactionary forces across the country, because he was the enemy they wanted. Whether he knows it or not, his function was to be so vulgar that an impotent public would unite around Clinton, to make America congratulate itself on the morning after Election Day for not having chosen the worst candidate imaginable. He’s there to make it look like everything is at stake, when the worst has already happened, and nothing is at stake whatsoever.
Sam Kriss again, delivering another kicking to lesser-evilism, this time via a skewering of the empty pseudo-activism of hashtag merchandising. You should read the whole thing, if only to enjoy his description of Marco Rubio as "the depthless hologram that still manages to leave a trail of slime in its wake" - well, I guess you just did, but reading the whole thing would allow you to enjoy it in context.